Get Your PSD Website Ready for Mobile Internet Era with Drupal

As per the recent studies conducted over latest Internet trends 2012, it has been found that the overall increase in percent of mobile internet users is 400%. Mobile internet users are speeding with a fast pace. This is the era of mobile computing devices and Wi-Fi internet facilities. Gone are the days, when using Internet was a matter of pride or royalty. Now, you can see everyone with a mobile device and internet facility.
With the advent of mobile computing devices, it has become necessary for all Photoshop based business website owners to showcase their business offerings in an impressive manner on PC’s as well as on mobiles. For this purpose, you need to update your website with new age content management systems like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. The PSD to Drupal conversion is the most suitable way of achieving new age functional stature, because Drupal is one of the most resourceful open source content management systems.

Now! European Union Joins Joomla Club!

Having competencies for supporting advanced and interactive online portals, Joomla club is getting bigger day by day. The new entrant of this club is European Union. The technical soundness and compatibility of ever-changing cyber environment tended EU to adopt Joomla based content management system in its website.

EU adopted Joomla as a reasoned choice, because it can support their aim of creating a meeting point for American Citizens as well as political leaders. The organization was looking for a web technology that can work as a broadcasting tool for demonstrating EU, its history, its policies and goals.

Moreover, the website can also be a suitable place on the web to get recent updates of European Union, major areas of EU policies and their effects on USA.

Why EU adopted Joomla

Joomla is among top three open source content management systems, immediately following Drupal and WordPress. EU was looking for a CMS tool, which can support the organization in spreading the news related to union and could be managed effectively. Joomla emerged as the best option for establishing the giant and complex website of EU, because it can be used for publishing text contents, images and videos.

How EU adopted Joomla

Being convinced with exceptional qualities of Joomla themes based CMS, European Union installed the standard version of Joomla. Additionally, EU preferred to install basic modules for increasing functional abilities of website. Eventually, the development process ended up on launching of a highly competent and interactive Website of European Union.

Four Factors behind Insatiable Demands of Drupal

There are ample choices for constructing an object oriented website, which can sustain an impactful online presence of your business organization. You need to choose an open source content management, which can be managed efficiently as well as cop up with the ongoing competition of cyber challenges. Drupal emerges as the best option in such needs, be it easy web management, be it online marketing friendly functionalities or be it cost-effective solution.

Read More >> Four Factors behind Insatiable Demands of Drupal

Why Choose WordPress as CMS-Top 3 Reasons

In this world of constant online promotions, it has become essential to adopt an advanced web technology for sustaining an impressive online image. In this way, WordPress is the one of the most used web technology, which is known for transforming dull looking websites to highly impressive online brands.

In this way, you should explore the basic reasons before taking PSD to Wordpress conversion.

Search Engine Friendliness: WordPress is the most search engine friendly open source content management system, which is known for keeping the web pages optimized. With WP, you can create custom URL’s and insert your keywords as URL names to grab the attention of search engine robots.

Smooth Web Management: It is the most user friendly CMS tool among other available tools. The WP based CMS tool can be used even by a Non-IT professional and will save your organization from recruiting a specific team for managing your website.

Modern Day Marketing Friendly: WordPress is an advanced web marketing tool, which can help you in constantly conducting modern day online marketing activities. The Wordpress CMS based Website can be easily integrated with all leading social media platforms.

Thus, you can conduct engaging activities at leading social media fronts and bring your social media fans on your website.

Trick to Disable Joomla Components from Home Page

Are you using Joomla website and hate overlapping visibility of Joomla components on your website home page. You can use this tick to disable components from your website homepage.

All you need to place the code into the index file of your Joomla template.

Read More "Trick to Disable Joomla Components from Home Page" to get the code.

Include Drupal In Your Online Marketing Arsenal

Drupal is one of the most trusted open source content management systems, which has gained an acknowledgement for highly search engine friendly architecture and efficient content management tool.

Drupal assists you in establishing an attractive and appealing website that can achieve all of its esteemed objectives. Although it has some specific search engine friendly features such as SEF URL's, but you need to maintain a flow of interactive activities after conversion from PSD to Drupal theme for generating high volume online traffic at your website.

Read More >> Include Drupal In Your Online Marketing Arsenal

Top 5 Websites to Find Free Joomla Templates

Joomla has gained the reputation of widely used content management system across the globe. It is widely known for adding growth friendly functionality in a website. Moreover, it also has the most search engine friendly architecture that has made it the most demanded CMS in current scenario.Now, you can easily enhance the functional ability of your website by installing Joomla CMS on your website. In this way, you can reduce your PSD to Joomla conversion cost to half by using free joomla templates.This article is going to help you in a grater manner. You will get to know the top five websites that provides free templates.

Read More >> Top 5 Websites to Find Free Joomla Templates

Effective Tips for Making Your Drupal Website Search Engine Friendly

The constant online traffic is like fuel to every website.the right use of web technologies can play an important role in your eventual online success. For this reason, you can to convert PSD to Drupal content management system. Drupal is the most search engine friendly open source content management system, which provides some SEO friendly features like construction of custom URL‘s and easy social media integration.

Read More >> Effective Tips for Making Your Drupal Website Search Engine Friendly

Benefits of Joomla in E-Learning

Innovation is bringing a drastic change in almost everything. It has converted the entire world into a cyber village, where political boundaries does not influence much. This age of innovation has brought a drastic change in international business environment. The innovation has also brought a change in education industry.In this way, you can use Joomla as the best web application for building an E-learning website. It is known as the top learning management system across the web arena.

Read More >> Benefits of Joomla in E-Learning

How to Find the Best Company for PSD Conversion

PSD conversion is a widely used new concept these days. People are looking towards PSD to HTML conversion, PSD to Drupal theme, PSD to Wordpress conversion services. Owing to the popularity of  PSD conversion many service providers have emerged in the market and claim themselves as the best  provider.

But it is a time now to judge yourself and Find out the best company for PSD conversion yourself.

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